Brand Innovation = Copy + Improvement

Without competition, there is no need for innovation. Market monopoly does not require innovation, nor does it need to build a brand. The market economy is to break the monopoly, so you must innovate.

Why are there so few books about innovation now, but the books about team, authorization, re-engineering and management are full of enthusiasm? It is this topic that is too difficult.

In fact, innovation is not as complicated as you think:

How do your company position yourself? The answer is to see how other companies are positioned. Imitate other companies, and then improve it is very easy, you are very tired to think about it yourself. How to write a good flyer, the answer is to see a lot of good flyers. How to develop good products, the answer is to see a lot of good products. How to get a good advertisement, the answer is to see a lot of good ads.

Imitate other companies, and then improve it is very easy, you are very tired to think about it yourself. And the original is generally very bad.

The original is just like snoring. The rushing to the front is to stop the bullets and send them to death.

So the Japanese said, what is innovation? Innovation = copy + improvement.

Harvard Business Review: The success rate of active innovation companies is 11%; the success rate of companies following imitation is 45%. Therefore, Li Ka-shing and Panasonic are all philosophical philosophies. They all like to follow the imitation route. They are not the first in the world, especially after they have grown up. Drucker also said, "Imitation itself is innovation, imitation is the premise of innovation, and innovation is the key to success."

But the question is how do you imitate? Just take advantage of the opportunities around you.

When the US Democratic Congress nominated McGovern and Nixon for election in 1972. At the congress, McGovern decided to replace the vice presidential campaign partner, Senator Eagleton. A 16-year-old boy saw this life-long opportunity. He bought 5,000 off-the-shelf "McGow-Eagleton" campaign posters for five cents and sold them for $25 each. A historic monument.

Although this young man's wealth did not bring revolution or innovation in the entire industry, it is important that he focuses on the attitude of wealth opportunities and explores opportunities that others can't detect. It is worthwhile for business people across the country to learn. Who is this guy? No one else, Bill Gates. So everyone is looking at Microsoft now. Microsoft doesn't have one thing to be original. Windows, Office, etc. are all improved, so Bill Gates is a modified genius. When he was 9 years old, he read the book of white science. Sun Tzu, Zhou Yi and Feng Shui all studied. Microsoft employees in Silicon Valley are very easy to change jobs. They moved to Seattle and succeeded. These Bill Gates have studied. So the success of Bill Gates is not accidental, but inevitable.

Ladies and gentlemen, the brilliant achievements of many successful people are not major innovations, but clever borrowing of the wisdom of others.

Throughout the ages, many great men have not encountered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but have cleverly used the opportunities around them.

The problem is that many people turn a deaf ear to these opportunities, turn a blind eye to them, and turn a deaf ear.

According to one research report, only 16 of the 61 innovative inventions were discovered by large companies, and most of the other great ideas came from ordinary people like you and me, so innovation is not as difficult as you think. Why do most successful innovations come from ordinary people like you and me? Because a great cause has never been a great start.

The new product new market is an innovation, the new product old market is also an innovation, the new and the old is also an innovation. To build a brand is to innovate: new ideas, new ideas, new combinations, new models, new methods, new methods, new tools, and innovations are possible!

Successful innovation case:

Wuliangye's small package promotion is also an innovation; Wal-Mart's product price reduction promotion combination is also an innovation. The box of Jinzizi Throat is packaged into a box of four bags, which can be sold together or sold separately. It is also an innovation.

Unilever's washing powder: make the washing powder like a sugar cube. Write a piece of clothing, 2 jeans, 3 cotton coats. So cleaning also began to do so.

Look at the many self-made rich people who have started in recent years are basically following this routine. Shanda’s legendary game has been successfully run in Korea for many years. Chen Tianqiao is just taking the successful model, plus his own powerful Terminal promotion capabilities only.

Focus Media only took the American building TV media model to the Chinese market and effectively integrated it.

Sony in Japan is taking a new line of innovation. Japan’s Matsushita is an imitation strategy, and Panasonic mimics Sony’s products for improvement. All Panasonic said that it is necessary to let Sony die first.

Samsung is also the same in South Korea. Samsung does not develop products from scratch, but uses money to buy technology. After buying it, it only does a little bit of its own design and repair. Li Jianxi said that if you pay 100 million won, you can get technology in a week. To invest 1 billion won, it must be developed after three to five years. That is a waste. It doesn't matter if you pay 5% of the technical cost. As long as you know what to do, it is good to create a 10% benefit. This is Samsung's replication + improvement strategy.

Zara and H&M are not creators, but imitators that are quickly reflected. So Zara buys its stores 17 times a year on average, while the average clothing store averages only 3-4 times. This is their imitation strategy.

There are endless "innovations" waiting for you to explore, including marketing innovation, innovation in invention profit model, operational innovation, resource innovation, system innovation, program innovation, sales innovation, product innovation, distribution. Innovation, and many other innovations.

Tom Peters said; "In the new system, wealth comes from innovation, not because it is better than others. That is, instead of making things known to make money, it is necessary to improve others. Something you don't know."

Remember: Innovation = Copy + Improvement. It’s very tiring to think about it yourself. It’s easy to improve it with people’s, and the ones that you think of are dead very badly. Sometimes a strategy that is abandoned in one industry may have invaluable value in another unrelated industry.

In fact, every country and society in the world is constantly copying others. No one is truly innovative. The United States copies Britain, Britain copies France, France copies Rome, Rome copies Greece, Greece copies Egypt, in fact everyone is like this. Copy it and copy it.

In general, creating a brand that is more successful and more effective is to successfully apply the concepts you pioneered to a completely different business. So whether you are reading, traveling, watching TV commercials, or listening to the radio, keep an eye on the various information and pay attention. If your company really can't think of any good innovation, I suggest that everyone go out and copy others. After the copy is over, the key is improvement.

There are only two ways for people to learn from experience. One is to learn their own experience in practice, and the other is to learn other people's experiences in books. When your age is limited, you must learn from others' experiences in books and life. Successful people learn from others' experiences, and losers learn their own experiences.

It may take 24 hours for the person who climbed the top of the mountain.

- Because, he spends most of his time exploring the road.

The second person who climbed the top of the mountain may only need 2 hours - because,

- He only needs to follow the path discovered by the previous person.

At this time you may get a lot of information, you may be paying attention at any time, but do you accumulate? Ladies and gentlemen, accumulation is not the key. To accumulate more, this is the key! Just like a computer, there is no Input, where is the Output?

Accumulate a little bit every day, and it will be a year away. Success is a little progress every day. If your current level is base 1, you can improve by 0.01 every day, and by the end of the year, your level is 3.65. A year can make you grow almost four times. Three years later, you are 10 times the level three years ago.

Many people ask me, Dr. Zheng, how did you accumulate?

I usually don't watch TV dramas. I watch advertisements and watch people's marketing strategies and methods. TV dramas are just "advertising" for me. The key to my own business consulting is to accumulate more.

When I am shopping, I will go on as long as it is a leaflet, and then look at those who write better, but according to my experience, the company with a good leaflet is less than 5%.

I usually read newspapers and magazines, I like to watch those who almost convinced me, but I don't need the propaganda strategy, I will cut it.

It is more beneficial to learn from people in different industries than to learn from people in the same industry. Learning from the leaders of the same industry, at most, just follow its footsteps. And where did these leaders learn from? The answer is inspiration from leaders in different industries.

Only in this way can we go out of the anomaly in the world of brand building, surpass the super long, return to normal, constantly surpass ourselves in constant self-denial, and constantly beat ourselves to be defeated by others.

So strategist Weisman tells everyone:

The solution of the problem is often not at the level of the problem, but at a higher level adjacent to it.

It is a pity that brand innovation has become obsolete, and innovation in business models is now the key.

So what is the management model and what is the business model? When fighting, the business model is a warship, and the management mode is officers and men. Management models include branding, financial management, marketing planning, human resources, and corporate strategy, but these add up to only 30%, while the business model accounts for 70%.

What is a business model?

What does McDonald's buy? Of course not a hamburger, not a system, but a real estate! It is the world's largest invisible real estate business.

why? McDonald's saw a good building today, rented it, and signed it with the other party after renting it. The rent for the next 20 years remained unchanged. When someone wants to join McDonald's, McDonald's told him that I rented the house to the franchisee, but those who joined McDonald's signed a contract with McDonald's and paid 8% more rent each year, so this year's 100, next year will change. 108 blocks, the year after the change 108 × 1.08, then 20 years later, is 108 × 19 1.08, the conclusion is to pay 100 rent this year, how much will be paid after 20 years? Pay 500. So this is the key to making money at McDonald's. This is the competition of business models.

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