V-neck is more than just sexy fashion will be free to point

In fact, V-neck is not just sexy, V-neckline still has a lot of modified face effect, if you want to achieve the effect of a small V face, V lead, and many of my sister feel that big breasts are not stylish, This time the V-neck can also bring you a good feeling Oh. So today we come to see the V-neck fashion free fashion new clothes it, see how to wear V-neck.

时尚自由点 -Free point.

This loose Shirt is very ethnic feeling, colorful stripe of various colors is not significantly exaggerated, more relaxed style more comfortable and can cover the flesh grown carelessly, with a nude colored dress elegant With a stylish feel, very goddess Van.

V领不仅仅是性感 时尚就要自由点

Printed jumpsuit is very popular this year's style, it is very casual and relaxed, especially for those who want to go to the beach to play this is a very good choice. V collar design is to add a sexy, but also revealed a bit casual casual feeling, very suitable for beautiful sister Oh.

(Source: Women's Network)


When you don't want to match the clothes yourself, you can choose a jumpsuit or playsuit

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